Friday, May 11, 2012

Warren World for the past two months

So, I have neglected bloggerworld for probably over a year.  I am gearing up to paying more attention to it.  Mainly to document our lives since I have not scrapbooked or anything for way too long.  I have been horrible at taking pictures and I am on pledging a fresh start.  So, here's to a quick catch up of March and April. 

March brought a few exciting things to our world.  One, was the Hunger Games movie.  Norm, Mylee and Cole were anxiously awaiting the release.  Cole was able to go to a pre-screening the day before it was released with FBLA. He made sure we were all aware that he saw it before any of us!  Cole had an orchestra concert and Maddy went to the Jazz game with Grandpa.  Cole had a FBLA competition in Layton that he got to stay two nights in a hotel.  That was a little weird for me as a Mom.  He had a great time, ate lots of food and went to two movies.  We headed up to Idaho for General Conference.  It was Omie's birthday on that Saturday and Becca's birthday had been a few days before.  As usual, we had a great time.  It is always relaxing there.  We just spent time together and played games and watched conference.

April began with quite an out of sorts week.  Mylee and Norm left the kids in Idaho Sunday morning and drove home listening to the morning session of conference.  The kids (and Mylee) had the whole week off for Spring Break.  Norm left that Monday morning to go out of town for work.  Lindsay had her baby on the 4th so I spent some time over with Ryder and Ruby.  Mom and I made a whole bunch of freezer meals one night.  Mom and I also went to the dollar movie one night to see "We Bought a Zoo"  We really liked it.  It was a really neat story. We went expecting it to be a kid show and we ended up really enjoying it.  I spent some time at the hospital holding little Rydge and visiting with Lindsay.  The kids and Mom and I went to Lindsay's house the morning she was coming home and cleaned her house.  It worked out great because we had tons of helpers to clean and watch the kids.  We also celebrated Adrienne and Dad's birthday at Olive Garden for lunch one day.  Easter Sunday we had dinner at Lindsays.  Good ol Ham and Augratin potatoes and a delicious pork roast.  Since she had just come home from the hospital we took dinner over to their house.  Of course, that allowed us all to hold that baby again!

I got to go on a daddy daughter date to the Jazz game one night.  I had not been to a Jazz game for years and it was a highlight of my month.  It was a lot of fun!  Thanks Dad!

Norm had a big month... the big 4-0!  We had dinner on Sunday at Mom's house. He wanted a summer BBQ so we had potato salad, shrimp macaroni salad, fruit, pickle juice and soy sauce chicken.  Norm wanted a playstation 3 for his birthday.  I kept teasing him that he wasn't turning four-teen, but he was turning four-ty so why did he want a video game?  He didn't think it was nearly as funny as I did. Norm had to go out of town again do D.C. the end of the month.  He was able to spend a few extra days with Jon and his family in Virginia. 

We had a ward talent show that all three kids participated in in some way.  Cole ended up, at the last minute, turning piano music for some girls who were singing an Adele song.  Maddy and three other girls in the ward did a cute dance to a "Once There Was a Snowman" remix.  Tenley sang a darling song called "Somewhere There's a Mountain" with two other girls.  It was really fun to watch them all perform.  It was a proud moment for momma!

Maddy started playing softball on a team coached by Grandpa!  It is fantastic.  She loves having him be the coach.  It's been fun to watch her learn to play and have fun with the other girls.

Whew... I didn't think we had that much going on but that was a lot.  Life just continues to get busier.  We are all counting down how many days of school.  We are all ready for summer break!