Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Everything's better with a photo :)

Posts are way more fun with photos, so here's some visual aid to go with my last post!  And maybe a video if I can get it to work...

Cooking with Mama :)

Moving boxes make for great entertainment- this was in the family room for a week!

Reading Grandma's "Elmo" book... She loves the "Count" page and goes "ah, ah, ah" like a vampire

Silly daddy taught me this

Bowling at the local alley- dollar Wednesdays- 2 games each, 2 pairs of shoes, $4 bucks :)

Her new "seat"

Lots of baths in the pink tubby

I wish this picture did her bed head justice... How does this happen to her hair?

First real bubble bath :)

Matinees on rainy afternoons- our new fave is "Terzen" TARZAN!!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

West Meets EAST!

Well, here's our first official update from the East Coast!  I can't believe we've almost been here a month.  Time flies, even when you are far away from family, bored some days, and lost in a new town....  We are getting better adjusted to New York, but are missing you all like CRAZY! 
The first week here was lame with only one car, I went a little stir crazy and wanted to get out.  I kept busy organizing and more unpacking, but thanks to Mylee there wasn't much to left to do!  I got to get out on my own that first weekend and explore the town.  I discovered the Niagara Falls Outlets and they are AWESOME!  The best outlet shopping I have ever been to.  Also, the local TJ Maxx, Target, and Wegmans.  Apparently there is a war here between the two local grocery stores- Tops and Wegmans.  You have to pick a side, and Wegmans is the cool choice.  Everyone we meet tells us so :) 
We are in Lewiston, which is 10 minutes north of Niagara Falls.  A very small town, but super cute with the best little center street with lots of cute shops and cool restaurants.  The Niagara River is really close to our house and Lake Ontario is only 15 minutes north of us, too.  We've never seen a lake SO huge! 
We went to the aquarium in Niagara Falls last weekend and got a membership there since B love the fishies.  But, it is no comparison to the one in Sandy.  Old and outdated, but B still loved it.  I found a new dr. office in a town called Amherst, which is a 30 minute drive, but it is highly recommended and the hospital there is the best one close to us.  I really like the nurse practioner I met with, and will get to meet all 5 drs before I deliver. 
The bishop's wife here has been so nice and invited me to do all sorts of things- story time at the library every Tuesday in Youngstown (smaller town just 5 minutes north) with lunch at the diner after, play dates at her house (she lives 20 minutes away right on Lake Ontario), and institute during the day.  I'm so glad that I have at least one friend to do things with!  She has been very helpful telling us about the area, places to go and things to do.  I have just decided that to do things here, I have to drive around 15-20 minutes to get to any where.  Not too bad, but such a difference from Logan!
We also discovered the Lewiston library, which is pretty nice.  They have a great children's section which B loved.  Our first time there we almost had to buy a book.  I was filling out paper work for a card and she was reading a book.  She disappeared for 15 seconds, came back and was rattling on about "book, potty, uh-oh!"  I had no idea what she was talking about, and later went back with her to find the book.  When I asked where she put the book she was reading, she grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom.  She had thrown it in the toilet!  That is not "uh-oh" when we do it on purpose, we are still learning that concept....  Thankfully the librarian was really nice and didn't make us pay for it, we dried it off and she took it back.  How embarassing...
Tanner and I did get to go out while Mylee was here to a new Lewiston restaurant!  It was fantastic!  We also went out last weekend to a movie and dinner while a girl in the ward watched B.  She did a great job and when we went to pick her up Bridget didn't want to leave!  That's what I call a babysitter :)
Well, until next time when our adventures take us to Palmyra next weekend!
Love you!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Warren Family Feats from February

First of all,  Thank you Lauren!  Thanks, for setting this up.  I hope it works out as a great way to keep in touch, stay close and feel like we are all only 15 miles apart not thousands!  Especially with all these new babies and exciting things happening we all want to feel close!  I am excited to do this because it will at least help me blog once a month!

Thanks Lono!

In February there were a few things going on for us.  Mylee and Maddy had New Beginnings where we learned about the new theme "Arise and Shine Forth". Maddy had to share the Beehive class statement. I had to give a talk about Personal Progress and the girls sang an amazing song... called "Arise and Shine Forth".  Maddy had her choir concert that Grandma and Grandpa came to.  They sang a Japanese song and "I Hope You Dance".  The kids loved getting to Skype me when I was in New York with Lauren and Tanner.  My favorite moment of the month was when we were Skyping and I turned the camera around to the back of the Ipad and was walking around Lauren's house giving them a tour.  As I was walking around and showing them the house I noticed the kids making all these crazy faces.  Since the camera was turned around they couldn't see me anymore so they ass-umed that I couldn't see them.  I stopped and said, "You know I can see you, right?!?"  They looked a little shocked and said "NO" and were quite embarrassed.  I found it ha-larious!  It was a feat in and of it self!

oh, p.s. Tenley wants me to notify you that she has her own blog.  She hasn't posted on it since last August (but I can't say much because I haven't posted on mine for that long either)  She wants to start posting and so do I so you will have to check hers out!