Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cole is 16 going on 17....

Many milestones are reached when one turns 16
  1. Driving
  2. Dating
  3. Getting a job
  4. Later curfews
  5. Becoming a Priest
For some reason, this last one really hit me.  Knowing that my little  boy will be up on the stand at the Sacrament table was so weird.  Those boys always seemed so old, so close to going on missions!  I couldn't believe that was where he is at!  We had his ordination at our house on a Thursday night.  Cole really wanted his Grandpas to be there and this was the night that worked out that we could have everyone here.  Brother Needs came over to officiate.  Omie and Papa drove down from Idaho to be there and Grandma and Grandpa drove all the way over from Taylorsville :)

 I wanted a picture with all the men and Norm didn't know what to do with his hands.
 Cole and his baby sistahs.. Tenley is sooo serious.
 Omie, Cole and Papa.  We love that they are so supportive and do their best to make it to all our family events.
 Grandpa, Cole and Grandma.  Grandma and Grandpa are playing the role of grandparents very well... making it to concerts, recitals, performances, church things... they are always willing and excited to come and support if they aren't on a cruise or vacation somewhere!

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