Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Easter Basket :)

Coloring eggs!  Every time we'd try to get her to say "Happy Easter!" it would come out "Happy Easter Basket or Bunny!"  I guess it's hard to teach a two year old the real concept of Easter, we are working on it...  B loved every seond of this experience, including wearing her apron!  This happy picture was taken just moments after an entire mug of pink egg dye was spilled on my upholstered kitchen chair.  Thank goodness for cheap egg dye, so the pink was quite weak in color.  Also, thanks to Tanner's incredible car detailing skills he was able to clean the chair which now looks brand new.  Note to self for next table: no upholstered chairs with small children.

Patiently, sort of, awaiting the eggs to be colored.  This was the hardest part- she kept wanting to stick her hands in the dye or drink it!  Her new favorite face, taken from her cousin Maddy's gaunt face :) 

All done, complete with Bridget's "bee egg", Grayson's basket ball egg, and Dad's "Easter Bunny egg".  Her new "cheese" smile includes a crooked lower jaw if you can tell. 


Awaiting the neighborhood egg hunt at the park- so much fun and TONS of kids.  In the 0-3 age group no parents were allowed to go out on to the grass, so this led to the next picture...

Bridget just standing there by herself not knowing what to do....  Good thing she is still at the age she doesn't care if she got candy or not.  And she didn't cry! 

B's new bestie in New York- Archer! 

Or should I say Boyfriend?  Yes, she likes to make the moves :)  He's the cutest thing and they love to play together! 

B's other bestie, Rowan.  Archer's older sister- she is so good with Bridge!  B calls her "Ronan..."

The Easter haul.   Look at the crooked smile- it comes from Tanner I think :)

Off to church.  We did have a fit due to no Easter basket being taken to church.

Egg hunting in the front yard!  She still asks everyday to go hunting for eggs..

Her new pretty Easter dress :)

We had a great Easter with some decent weather for egg hunting.  We enjoyed many activities including seeing the Easter Bunny at the Power Plant in Niagara Falls, an egg hunt at the neighborhood Assembly of God church, and a BBQ with our Bishop and his family (Archer and Rowan's dad is our Bishop).  They are a fantastic family who have helped us so much in getting settled in the area and inviting us to do some fun things!  We are so thankful for their friendship and help with the move. 

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