Monday, April 9, 2012

St. Patty's Day and other March fun :)

B's new place to hide... Too bad she can't get out by herself, this creates a problem!

Look familiar?  I think there is a photo of me at this exact age doing the same thing- eating good ol dirt...

Green breakfast, well "Brinner" for us!  B loved the Mickey shaped pancake, now that is all she wants for breakfast!  "mickey waffle..."

Just some light reading on her own :)

Wrapped up burrito style!  "mommy, taco burrito!"  She loves to get wrapped up and then try to stand up and walk.  She always wants it done in her "Bieber"- bigger blankie...

First picnic of the year was a success!  So fun to have a big yard and trees for shade!

Visiting dad at work for lunch, safety first!

A Saturday at the Buffalo Science Museum.  This place is HUGE!  We didn't even make it half way through, B could have lasted all day in this one room, fishing!

The 3D turtle movie- not so sure at first, "is loud" she said, but ending up loving all the cartoon turtles.  And don't worry, there WAS an environmental agenda....

The "glo" table with super fun see-through magnetic shapes.  I think Dad liked this table even more than B...

Cooking with Mama :)

Matchy matchy aprons Grandma Deaton made us for Christmas!

Rockin out on the guitar and drums!

Lots of fun things going on this month, too bad we only had one great week of weather in March- guess we'll have to wait until June to go back outside.  We sure miss being around all you guys, thank goodness for skype and face time to keep us in touch.  I love that B still asks for everyone and knows all your names.  We look at family pictures (especially the calendar) A LOT!  We always want her to remember all her cousins, aunts and uncles, grandma and grandpa, even new baby Rydge :)

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