Friday, June 1, 2012


After 3 fast, blissful (most of the time) weeks I finally have it together enough to blog about the new addition to our fam!  Long, detailed post for my memory and G to read one day :)  I have decided I am destined to have children when my parents are on a cruise.  B came one week late while my mom and dad were cruising in the Caribbean and G decided to come 2 weeks early while they were in Alaska.  Talk about foiling Grandma’s plans to come and help us!  Well, thankfully all worked out just fine and G came happy and healthy J 
We were scheduled to have a c-section on the 15th, but he decided to come early!  I never thought I would be lucky enough to go early… I was so unprepared thinking I still had a week to plan and get ready for him.  No hospital bag, no arrangements for B, no groceries in the house, piles of laundry, and a messy house.  I guess that’s how normal labor goes- you never know when they are coming!  But, I was just so hung up on having a day and time scheduled that I was planning on getting everything ready that weekend.  Oh well….  And we were supposed to have B’s birthday party that Saturday, so she will have to celebrate another day!  Good thing she’s only 2 and doesn’t know the difference J  I’m sure we’ll hear about it one day….
So, Wednesday the 9th I was having contractions all afternoon.  Nothing too major, just here and there.  We decided to go to Tanner’s first softball game of the season since they weren’t bad.  They started to get more intense there, but I knew once I got home I could just lay down and they’d go away.  Well, they didn’t.  I decided to go to bed and after a couple of hours when Tanner came in they were still coming.  By this time it was midnight and they were coming every 10 minutes.  Tanner was freaked and sure we needed to call my doc.  I planned to “sleep it out”, bad idea, and hoped they would go away.  The thought of having G that night was out of the question!  So many things left to do.  And who would be there to help with B and my mom was still on her cruise!  Well, after 3 hours of consistent, more intense contractions we finally called my dr.  I was really protesting the idea because I did NOT want to be sent home saying I was just being a baby… But Tanner insisted and was freaking out just a tad more than me… My doctor didn’t call us back for about an hour and a half, and Tanner kept saying “call her back, we need to go in now”.  Such a great husband, so worried about me!  She told us to come in and see what was going on.  Since I was planned for c-section, they didn’t want me contracting at all because of the risks with my incision.  We called our bishop and his angel of a wife drove half hour to our house to get B.  Meanwhile, we were running around the house trying to get some what ready and prepared.  I was just throwing stuff in bags and not really paying attention to what I was doing.
  We left our house about 5:30 and ventured to the hospital.  The half hour drive was awful with contractions getting worse, especially compared to the two minute drive we had in Logan.  Once they admitted me of course my contractions eased up.  What is it about hospitals that make your body stop going into labor so you look like a fool when they ask you how you are doing?  That’s just how the nurse midwife looked at me when she saw the readings from my contractions.  Like I was a big fat pansy.  “Well, these are only 8-10 minutes apart and not crazy.  Your lips look a very dry, you’re probably just dehydrated.”  Ummm… don’t ever tell a woman in labor she’s contracting due to dehydration.  Wrong response lady.  She still checked me and with a “oops I’m an idiot” face, told me I was at a 3.  HA.  Told you so…..  And p.s. remember how I’m not supposed to be contracting at all so my uterus doesn’t bust open?   Yeah, thanks a lot.  Sorry for the rant everyone.
So… needless to say we were having a baby that day!  They admitted me and scheduled my section.  My doctor came up and told us she had one other surgery and then we were next!  Just an hour or so and we would see baby G!  We went back into the OR around 10:00 am and they got me all set up.  They gave me a spinal and it was so crazy how fast it worked.  And, how painless it was.  Thanks for a great anesthesiologist!  After about 10 seconds my legs started getting tingley and I asked if that was normal, they said it was and laid me right down.  They started and Tanner still wasn’t in there, so I was panicking a little.  But he came right in and stayed right by me the whole time.  It was such an out of body experience.  You can totally sense your body and legs, but can’t move them.  There were several times when I wanted to move my legs and couldn’t, and that was the weirdest and most uncomfortable part.
It seemed like forever, and I kept asking, “are we almost done?”  But I’m sure it was really only about 15 minutes by the time they started and had him out.  At 10:26 am out came our big boy!  Weighing in at 8 lbs., 20 inches, he was healthy and big for two weeks early!  The best part was that he came out crying- something every mom wants to hear!  And that’s about the only time you are glad to hear your baby scream like that.  Bridget came out silent and that was terrifying, so we were so grateful to hear his little screams! 
They cleaned him up, took him to the nursery and finished sewing me up.  I got really sick towards the end so they gave me so drugs that made me super sleepy and out of it.  The next thing I knew I was back in my room and they brought in Grayson!  I was so glad he was healthy and out J  The next few days were a blur and full of ups and downs, but all I can say is how blessed I am for another healthy, happy, Deaton baby!!!!   Here are some pics of our little buddy J
Getting cleaned up- we didn't get a "weight" picture because Tanner couldn't get around to the table... Boo

Don't we look great....  But we need the memory right/

Grandma Deaton flew in on a red eye flight to help us out!  Thanks Grandma!

Look at those fatty cheekies!!!  I kiss them A LOT.

We have a pic of B just like this- just like his big sis!

This is also another photo that looks just like B!

Getting ready to go home....

All set to go home!

Grayson Tanner Deaton
Thursday, May 10, 2012
10:26 a.m.
8 lbs. 20 inches

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