Saturday, June 23, 2012

Warren Family... April Highlights

 Maddy wanted to play softball this year.  We looked around for a league that wasn't a competitive fast pitch league with girls that have been playing since they were three. It wasn't very easy.  Actually when I say "we looked" it was actually my Dad, Grandpa that started looking around.  Maddy was at Grandma and Grandpa's house one day and mentioned that she might like to play softball.  Grandpa ran with it and was texting me all these options!  I was a very leery about this since she has never played before and is 13.  I didn't want her on a team where the girls were nearly professionals.  Here is where my pessimism comes out, but that's another post.  So, Grandpa found a league in Taylorsville that is a beginning league.  PERFECT.  We are out of town on the sign ups, but never fear Grandpa comes to the rescue.  He signs her up and after a couple weeks, before the season starts, he is the head coach!  Not very many kids get to have their Grandpa be their coach so Maddy was very excited!  It was fun for her to spend time with him and learn the techniques of the sport.  It was fun to watch these girls learn and progress together.  The season was very short but the amount of confidence and the level of their ability increased exponentially.  Then, one sad day,  Maddy was opening her bedroom window and the whole frame and glass came out of the track and cracked the top of her foot.  The glass didn't shatter so there wasn't any bleeding.  There was immediate swelling and a deep bruise.  We wondered if it was broken, but there were not any tell tale signs, just symptoms that could possibly be a break.  So, we iced it and had her keep it up.  She missed a day or two of school because she couldn't walk on it.  I just wanted to send her to school and just move on, but deep down there was that Mom part of me saying "What if it is broken, then I would fee terrible."  So, after a few days, we made the trek to AfterHours Medical.  There was no way to ease my mind, or Maddys without getting it x-rayed. The Dr. examined her foot, said, "Hmmm, I can't see any obvious breaks so let's x-ray".  I wasn't too far off!  After the x-ray he said, "Hmmm I can't see any obvious x-rays and the radiologist will read the x-ray tomorrow, so here is a boot to wear just in case."  I didn't question, and off we went.  The boot made it more comfortable to walk on and protected it in the mass of people swarming the junior high halls.  She was able to go back to school, but no softball for awhile.  The radiologist got back to us two days later saying there wasn't a break, it's just a deep bruise.  We were relieved because that meant she didn't have to wear the boot for 6-8 weeks.  She did wear it for about a week until she could put more pressure on it and it wasn't so sensitive to touch (or being stepped on at school)  All was well, except for she was out for the rest of the softball season and the bill I got for the boot from the Dr.  So, his little idea of being overcautious cost me $300!  This whole idea of the doctors being so afraid of being sued by someone cost me 300 bucks!  Don't get me started on our medical care system!  They don't even give you a choice, they just send you off with something just so they are covered.  We could have just gone home and kept her off of it for a day until the radiologist looked at it, but nooooo!  Anyways, this was supposed to be about softball. We were sad we missed out on the last few weeks of practices and games, but the games and practices we were able to participate in were amazing!  Thanks Grandpa!
 Our Ward talent show was the end of April.  The week before Tenley says to me,  "Did I tell you I am singing in the talent show with Aspen and Tenley?"  I say, "Nope, you sure didn't... what's the plan"  The girls decided they wanted to sing together and the other girls Mom's are vocally talented, so they practiced at their houses a lot!  They sang an adorable song of the "Nashville Tribute to the Pioneers Trek" CD called "Somewhere There's a Mountain"  It was Tenley's first time performing other than her dance/singing class.  The girls sounded so sweet and amazing together. Their little voices blended so great and it truly was precious.  Angie curled their hair and they work cute little pettiskirts.  They were adorable.
 Cole's participation in the talent show consisted of being the page turner for Jenna Hicken as she accompanied her sister Sarah and Lindy Green.  He excelled in his performance and was a joy to watch :)
 Tiffiny Law (one of our Laurels) wanted to put a dance together for the YW to perform at the talent show.  She scheduled practices at her house and choreographed the dance together with the few girls that showed up.  We have about 18 young women and there were four of them that participated.  Maddy, Maddy Swallow, Megan Loutensock and Tiffiny Law. They danced to a medley of "Once There Was a Snowman".  They did some lip syncing and dancing and they all looked adorable.
 Tenley Derieg, Aspen McRae and Tenley
 Front to Back
Maddy, Tiffiny, Maddy Swallow and Megan Loutensock

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